Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How Many Activision Employees Does It Take To Make Guitar Hero Drums?

Fuck all.

I got Band Hero today (had it on layby, got full band set for 150... bargain). Got it home, opened it up and was about to play Guitar Hero: Van Halen... to find the plugs for the bass kick pedal were not working -_-. I was furious as I was worried I would have to send it away. The reason for this was Clark got a set last year around this time, got it, next day they fucked up. Activision had a no store refunds policy and you had to make a claim with Activision and send it away. So I was pretty fuckin' mad that this may happen to me. I rang Activision and to my surprise... you can now return it to the store. Apparently Activion got their arses handed to them by Australian Law (one act states that if a product is faulty and it is within the agreed warranty period, then you have the right to exchange it or get a refund). So I rang K-Mart and they now have another full kit for me waiting for me to exchange for after work.

I swear if I wasn't allowed to exchange it, I would have been raging so bad at Activision.

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